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  • Do you suspect that you or your child may have Dyslexia?


  • Do you or your child have persistent difficulties, despite trying many different ways of working, with reading, writing, spelling, remembering information, working at a slow speed, not finishing exams or understanding mathematical concepts?


  • Are you worried about your own or your child’s learning?


  • Do you feel that you or your child are underachieving, or that assessments and exams produce surprising low results?


  • Is there a notable difference between what you expect your child to produce and what they actually produce in school or with homework?
    If you have any concerns with regard to a possible dyslexic difficulty, for yourself or your child,  then I can help.  I am a qualified teacher who specialises in working with children and adults who have Dyslexia.  I can help find the difficulty and offer solutions.



Isitdyslexia - London

Please email or call if you would like to discuss an assessment. 


07852 981231


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